Synspective’s CEO, Motoyuki Arai, established a program called “CEOffice hour” where any employee can have a 1-on-1 meeting with him.


As you may know, an “office hour” is a term found at universities where professors schedule time outside of classes to meet with students who have questions and seek advice. Here at Synspective, we transport that familiar ritual to our business. Arai CEO holds an office hour to stay connected and talk freely with employees on a weekly basis.


The purpose of these office hours is to get to know each other better. Team members can discuss their business challenges, questions, and ideas. It is also an opportunity to discuss personal goals for the future and career direction in a casual manner. Arai CEO is well-versed in many subjects and no topic is off-limits. He listens sincerely to feedback from all employees, regardless of their roles in the company.


This is CEO’s announcement of the “CEOffice hour” to all employees via the communication platform, Slack:

【Notice of “CEOffice Hour”】
I will start a “CEOffice Hour” to chat freely with you in a 1-on-1 style. When Synspective was established a year and a half ago, we were a small team working in a small space, and used to communicate with each other freely while talking about our future and personal matters. However, it has been rather difficult these days because our organization has grown considerably.  During ‘CEOffice Hour’, I look forward to having open talks with you, so please consider taking a break from your schedule and joining me.


When this program was first launched in October 2019, there were 50 members at Synspective. At the time, the satellite development team was not working at the headquarters in the Kiyosumi-Shirakawa district in Tokyo, but at the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS) in Sagamihara, Kanagawa prefecture, which is 1.5 hours away from the headquarters. Arai CEO was commuting to Sagamihara every Tuesday afternoon for office hours in addition to his weekly Friday office hours at the headquarters. 


Even though we now have over 100 members, CEO continues to host the “CEOffice hour” every week. Also, there are team office hours during which each department wishes to have time with the CEO.

The CEO values his employees and wants to make time to get to know each and every one, no matter how busy he is. The program brings him a lot of joy. 


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